I'm Trench Reynolds.
I blog about crime.
This is the DBKP Week in Crime for April 6th-12th, 2008
At craigscrimelist the story of the week was about what can happen when you order an 'escort' from carigslist. It can get you shot in the face.
Over at CrimeNe.ws my favorite post of the week was a column from Michael Smerconish who pints out that the Pennsylvania death penalty is a sham.
At News of Doom I Posted the story about the 2-year-old from Pennsylvania who was beaten to death with a video game controller. I focused less on the controller and more on the aabuser.
Florida is still on top.
At MyCrimeSpace the subject of the week was mainly about the 8 teens from Florida who recorded themselves beating another girl in order to post it to YouTube and MySpace. It gets even better with responses from one of the mothers and qa bailing out by Dr. Phil.
At Psycho for Love I posted about a teacher who tried to marry an underage student. But since the teacher was male he'll probably get the death penalty.
Speaking of double standards at ViceTube I posted about a beating that you'll probably never hear about.
That's it for this week. Until next time I'm Trench Reynolds.
by Trench Reynolds
[image: Trench Reynolds]
Also at DBKP.com: Trench Reynolds DBKP This Week in Crime April 6-12
For more crime, more Trench Reynolds, check out the Trench Network: -- http://thetrenchcoat.com http://newsofdoom.com http://trenchreynolds.com http://mycrimespace.com http://craigscrimelist.org http://crimene.ws http://psychoforlove.com http://player1.info http://tased.thetrenchcoat.com http://blog.thetrenchcoat.com |

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